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Corporate Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is an important aspect within the business operations of BMT Fire & Rescue B.V.. As an organization we take responsibility for the effects of its business activities on people, the environment and business operations.

BMT is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization with approximately 45 employees, which is engaged in advising, designing, producing and maintaining all common fire and incident vehicles, roll-off containers and mobile and stationary extinguishing systems. The organization attaches great importance to good service. quality, safety and durability are of paramount importance. Moreover, we want to be a solid and innovative partner. Reputable in terms of quality, craftsmanship, reliability and commitment, innovative in terms of sustainability, materials, methods and industry involvement.

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Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility:

CSR is a natural part of our business operations and culture. In order to explain in this statement how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is embedded in our business operations, we begin by defining the term “CSR”.

In CSR, BMT opts for the “best available technical solutions that can be realized at a reasonable cost”. The aim here is to achieve a balance between People, Planet and Profit; a balance between a healthy company return, a better environment and optimum welfare for employees and society. BMT makes moral choices in its actions and treats its people, customers and environment with respect. In doing so, we respect and act in accordance with the laws and regulations and the generally applicable standards and values.

The quality of our services occupies an important place within our organization. We continue to train our employees in order to be able to guarantee our high quality in the long term as well, and we invest extensively in quality and efficiency for all parties. In addition to making a profit, not only people and their development, but also society as a whole and the environment have a central place in our organization. Some practical examples are explained in more detail for each sub-area;

  • employee welfare (People)
  • environmentally friendly entrepreneurship (Planet)
  • social responsibility (Profit)

Employee welfare:
One of the goals is the well-being of our employees.
The well-being of our employees is promoted by creating a healthy, good and safe working environment. Properly applied occupational health and safety rules are in the interest of our organization, our employees and our customers.

BMT invests a lot in a relaxed and positive working atmosphere by stimulating an informal working atmosphere and creating communication where employees have their own responsibility with a lot of freedom. BMT communicates in an open and honest manner about its policy, future plans and possible changes of course.

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BMT takes its responsibility for young people and offers them internships and work-learning projects. In this way we make an active contribution to the development and transfer of knowledge to others who want to learn the trade. In recruitment and selection we look at the competences of the future colleague, regardless of age, origin or disability and we offer opportunities to people with a distance to the labor market (older entrants, Women in Technology)

Environmentally friendly entrepreneurship:
Another goal of our organizations is environmentally friendly business. When carrying out business activities, the best technical and economically feasible measures and facilities will be taken to minimize any adverse impact on the environment. The best possible control and reduction of environmental impact is a point of attention in business operations. Our policy is to organize our activities in such a way that they give high priority to the prevention and reduction of pollution. We also set ourselves targets for relevant environmental measures, including the raw materials used and the services provided by third parties, so that we can continue to improve our environmental performance.

Our organization takes energy-saving measures such as choosing green electricity where possible, installing insulation and energy-saving materials/equipment and LED lighting in the buildings.

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BMT draws the attention of its employees to unnecessary energy and water consumption, reduction of paper consumption, waste separation, encouraging the use of public transport or bicycle for commuting where possible. Reducing fuel consumption by using less environmentally damaging company cars (including hybrid vehicles) is also a constant point of attention within our organization.

Finally, all new suppliers are carefully chosen. We set high standards for the products we purchase for our daily operations, but we also do this for the products and services we sell. BMT also ensures a positive contribution to the local economy by attracting employees.

Onze organisatie neemt energiebesparende maatregelen zoals het kiezen van groene stroom daar waar mogelijk, het aanbrengen van isolatie- en energiezuinige materialen/ apparatuur en LED verlichting in de gebouwen.